Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy
Mission: To “inform, intrigue, inspire and illuminate the reality that creating real democracy will not happen by changing any one politician, passing/repealing any one law or regulation, or reversing any single Supreme Court decision. It requires, rather, changing our political, economic and social culture — one byproduct of which will be to democratize our legal structures through genuinely inclusive, multi-issue, nonviolent social movements.”
Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy (POCLAD) sparks conversations and actions that challenge the power of big money in politics. POCLAD analyzes historical and legal research, writing, public speaking, and collaborates with other organizations in order to develop effective strategies to assert individual rights over corporate interests.
Year Founded: 1995 • (508) 398-1145 •
Current Democracy Work
POCLAD currently promotes Move to Amend’s petition to propose a constitutional amendment and encourages citizens to read the amendment and sign the petition. POCLAD also provides publications through the Apex Press, a publishing imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Apex Press works with POCLAD to publish books that help build a better democracy. POCLAD also features artwork by Matt Wuerker. These fascinating cartoons, paintings and drawings illustrate the frustrating reality of big money controlling politics and inequality in the political process.
Recent Successes
POCLAD recently released a new resource called the Real Democracy History Calendar. The Real Democracy History Calendar provides weekly email updates of activities, events and quotes on the themes of democracy, human rights, corporate power and rule, and wealth in society. The Calendar is a joint production of POCLAD and the Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee. POCLAD also just published “By What Authority,” a collection of articles that challenge the status quo of giant business corporations exercising privilege and power with illegitimate authority. By What Authority reflects the assertion of the right of the sovereign people to govern themselves.
Your Entry Points
Sign the Move to Amend petition to show your support for a constitutional amendment. Sign up for the Real Democracy History Calendar to receive weekly listings of activities, events, and quotes related to the Money-Out-of-Politics Movement! Join together with fellow activists in your area to study and take action against the political, legal, and institutional oppressions of today using the Democracy Insurgency Curriculum. Here you’ll find articles, discussion questions, and resources to study, learn and consciously participate in the Money-Out-of-Politics Movement.