Coffee Party
Mission: “To restore the principles of our republic and spirit of a representative democracy in America,” emphasizing civility, honesty, accountability, transparency, and other democratic values.
Originally a Facebook fan page created in response to the Tea Party Movement, Coffee Party USA has blossomed into a national organization with over 700,000 members committed to creating a more inclusive, empowering culture of democracy. They are followed by nearly one million people on Facebook.
Year Founded: 2010 • (301) 259-1869 •
Current Democracy Work
Coffee Party USA takes a two-pronged approach to tackling money in politics, advocating for major legislative reforms and empowering everyday Americans to take action in their communities. Coffee Party USA serves as a “starting point” for people to get involved in politics by connecting citizens on- and offline and giving them the tools they need to directly engage with local government officials and with one another. Through local meetings, social media, a radio show featuring citizen activists, their blog, and public events, Coffee Party USA brings people together in a powerful grassroots movement for rebuilding our democracy.
Recent Successes
Coffee Party USA has brought more than half a million people into the national debate on money in politics and has sparked the creation of 39 state and local community groups.
Your Entry Points
Take the Civility Pledge and join the conversation through the Coffee Party’s Facebook page, radio shows, and blog, or by attending local chapter meetings. Coffee Party USA is always looking for volunteers across the country for long- and short-term projects related to community outreach, campaign actions, strategy, media, and research.