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Democracy Initiative
Move to Amend

Center for Public Integrity

Mission: To “serve democracy by revealing abuses of power, corruption, and betrayal of public trust by both powerful public and private institutions.”

Through prize-winning investigative reporting, the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) exposes the role of powerful special interests and their money in shaping both elections and public policy. One of the country’s oldest and largest nonpartisan investigative journalism organizations, CPI is based in Washington, D.C.

Year Founded: 1989 • (202) 466-1300 •


Current Democracy Work

CPI’s top-notch reporting reveals the corrupting influence of money in politics. By monitoring campaign contributions, the cash and people behind 2016 election ads, and the growing influence of super PACs and resulting impacts, CPI works to ensure that citizens have the information they need to hold politicians accountable. CPI breaks this data down in easy-to-read articles, blogs, and an award-winning website.


Recent Successes

CPI has won over 50 awards for ground-breaking journalism, including a 2014 Pulitzer Prize in Investigative Reporting.


Your Entry Points

Check out ground-breaking special investigations such as “Buying of the President 2016” and “Who’s Calling the Shots in State Politics?” on CPI’s website. Sign up for CPI’s Watchdog email to stay on top of the headlines and get the latest on money in politics.

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