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Democracy Initiative
Move to Amend

Campaign Legal Center

Mission: To represent “the public interest to protect and strengthen our democracy” through litigation and advocacy.

The Campaign Legal Center (CLC) in Washington, D.C. works primarily through the courts for strong enforcement of campaign finance laws, voting rights, political communication, and government ethics.

Year Founded: 2002 • (202) 736-2200 • campaignlegalcenterorg


Current Democracy Work

Working at the federal, state, and local levels, CLC attorneys monitor and participate in a variety of cases involving campaign finance law. At the national level, CLC is vocal in policy debates and reform efforts about money in politics, political advertising and disclosure. Additionally, CLC serves as a resource for grassroots advocates, state and local government officials, and policymakers to create and implement democracy-enhancing reforms.


Recent Successes

Since 2003, CLC has been involved in every major money-in-politics case. In 2009, it contributed to the successful defense of Vermont’s campaign-contribution disclosure provisions and contribution limits—a big win for democratizing campaign finance.


Your Entry Points

Explore CLC’s rich collection of publications, essays, and speeches on its website. Check out Blueprints for Democracy, a joint report by CLC and Issue One, to learn more about how we can get big money out of politics and rebuild American democracy.

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