Campaign Finance Institute
Mission: To provide “practical and objective research” on campaign finance at both the federal and state levels to advance policy reforms.
A nonpartisan think-tank and advocacy group, the Campaign Finance Institute (CFI) is based in Washington, D.C.
Year Founded: 1999 • (202) 969-8890 • •
Current Democracy Work
CFI produces in-depth reports on campaign finance, tracking current campaign contributions as well as historical trends. The organization’s original research is published online and in academic journals, and is accessible to policymakers, media, and the public. CFI shares its data in easy-to-read online formats to encourage new research and strategies for getting money out of politics. Currently, CFI is also creating a biennially updated, 50-state historical database of state campaign finance laws and has launched a major new research project to analyze the impact of the wide variety of state and local public financing and other laws governing money in politics.
Recent Successes
In 2015, the Institute published “Citizen Funding For Elections,” a great summary of what we know about what works in campaign finance reform.
Your Entry Points
Become a “Citizen Policy Analyst”! Use CFI’s interactive tool to explore how implementing funding reforms that maximize the role of small donors could transform politics in your state. This is a fantastic learning opportunity for interested citizens, educators, and advocates alike.