Mission: To promote “an accountable democracy by compiling comprehensive campaign-donor, lobbyist, and other information from government disclosure agencies nationwide” and to make this information freely available. houses the “nation’s only free, nonpartisan, verifiable archive of contributions to political campaigns in all 50 states.” The database archives more than $50 billion in transactions involving lobbyists, individuals, corporations, and business organizations. is the common name and website for the National Institute on Money in State Politics.
Year Founded: 1999 • (406) 449-2480 • •
Current Democracy Work
So that voters know where campaign money originates, compiles campaign finance information that all candidates for office—as well as lobbyists, major political party committees, and (non-bond-related) ballot measure committees—must submit to public agencies. It presents this information in a streamlined database, publicly accessible reports, and through the news media.
Recent Successes
Recognizing years of dedicated research and contributions, a 2014 RAND Corporation review described the Institute as the “gold standard resource for money in politics.” The Institute received the 2015 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.
Your Entry Points
Tune in to the Money In Politics YouTube channel or join the Institute’s bi-monthly free, live webinar to learn more about following the money in politics. Read the Institute’s reports on how campaign contributions drive public policy debates on issues as diverse as LGBT rights, industry influence, prison privatization, and funding of judicial campaigns. Also check out the Institute’s Civics Lessons for high school students.