Issue One
Mission: To put “everyday citizens back in control of our democracy by reducing the influence of money over American politics and policymaking.”
Formerly “Fund for the Republic,” Issue One invests to strengthen the campaign finance reform movement. To date, the fund has awarded $4.5 million to expand the movement, support reform campaigns, and spur innovative approaches.
Current Democracy Work
Through its Issue One Fund, the organization makes grants that strategically fill gaps in the democracy movement and strengthen some of the most promising state and local efforts for campaign finance legislation. Issue One also fosters bipartisan leadership on these issues through its Advisory Board of authors, academics, CEOs, and thought leaders, and its “ReFormers Caucus” of former senators, representatives, and governors who speak out on getting money out of politics.
Recent Successes
Produced in concert with the Campaign Legal Center, Issue One’s massive and deeply influential 2015 “Blueprints for Democracy” report and website are fascinating reads with a powerful call to action. In the last few years, funding from Issue One has supported the continued effectiveness of many organizations in this guide including Every Voice, MapLight, and Common Cause.
Your Entry Points
Check out “Blueprints for Democracy,” a joint report by Issue One and the Campaign Legal Center to learn about how we can get money out of politics and rebuild American democracy. Sign up for Issue One’s monthly newsletter, The Fix, to stay informed about money in politics, apply for one of their internship opportunities, or get directly involved with one of the organizations that Issue One financially supports.