Mission: To “promote a culture of active political participation by providing civic organizations the tools they need to organize, register, and educate voters, with an emphasis on historically disenfranchised communities. MassVOTE builds civic coalitions to advocate for democracy reforms that make the electoral process more accountable and accessible to all people.”
MassVOTE works to achieve electoral justice that is part of a larger movement and infrastructure for social change. MassVOTE works to create a just society in which everyone has an equally powerful vote. It registers, educates, and mobilizes voters, focusing on historically underrepresented communities in Massachusetts, especially people of color. MassVOTE recognizes the influence money and wealthy interests have on our voting system and policy and therefore also fights for campaign finance and election reform.
Current Democracy Work
MassVOTE, through its Fair Elections Agenda, recommends legislation to modernize election laws and promote free and fair elections and asks citizens to support these measures. One example is the We the People Act which calls on Congress to propose a constitutional amendment affirming that Congress and the states can limit campaign spending and makes clear that corporations are not people with constitutional rights.
Recent Successes
In 2014, with the help of MassVOTE’s strong advocacy to legislators, the Massachusetts Senate unanimously approved a super PAC disclosure bill that requires independent expenditure groups to disclose their donors within seven days of launching any political ad.
Your Entry Points
Take Action by sending a letter to your Congressperson to propose an amendment that would reign in the power of big money in politics. Check out MassVOTE’s Events page and view its detailed calendar of speeches, rallies and more near you! Register to vote and learn about your voting rights.