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Michigan Campaign Finance Network

Mission: To shine light on money’s role in politics, to improve both accountability and transparency within Michigan state government, and to promote state campaign finance reform.

The Michigan Campaign Finance Network (MCFN) is a nonpartisan organization that works to highlight the role of money in Michigan politics. It conducts research on campaign contributions behind elections and tracks the relationship between money, election outcomes, and public policy. The organization aims to make campaign finance information more transparent and more available to the public. MCFN also develops education initiatives to teach the public about campaign finance reform.


Current Democracy Work

Michigan Campaign Finance Network works to reform Michigan’s political system and combat the secrecy and imbalance of the system. The organization posts regular stories about money’s influence over Michigan politics, maintains a public database on political giving, runs educational programs on campaign finance reform open to the public, and works in partnership with media outlets to promote the movement publicly.


Recent Successes

MCFN recently established a one-of-a-kind database that tracks amount and method of political funding by candidate. The database ranks donors by how much they give and allows the public to see who’s giving to public officials through candidate committees, administrative accounts, nonprofit accounts, and political action committees.


Your Entry Points

Explore the wealth of information MCFN provides about money in politics in Michigan. Follow and track the donations funding your state elected officials. Learn where your district House candidates stand on money in politics before you vote! Conduct your own thorough investigations of the campaign finances of candidates running for public office, PACs, and party and ballot committees using MCFN’s Do-It-Yourself Research toolkit. Stay up to date on MCFN’s coverage of the money in Michigan elections. Spread the word and continue to learn by following Michigan Campaign Finance Network on Facebook and Twitter.

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