Mission: To provide individuals and organizations with the tools to start and win their own grassroots campaigns.
MoveOn is a non-partisan organization that provides a platform for anyone to create and circulate petitions to start and win grassroots campaigns. Petitions focus on progressive civil and political change and often focus on checking corporate lobbyist power and holding politicians accountable.
Current Democracy Work
MoveOn currently has several petitions aimed at getting big money out of politics. Check out petitions to overturn Citizens United, disclose election donations, and pass campaign finance reforms. Add to the list of money out of politics petitions by starting your own!
Recent Successes
A MoveOn petition was created asking Maine legislators to support a resolution calling for Citizens United to be overturned. 4,500 signatures were gathered and presented to the legislature helping the resolution pass in both the Senate and House by an overwhelming majority. Maine was the 13th state to call for a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United!
Your Entry Points
Start a petition to get money out of politics. Sign the existent petitions to show your support! Become a member to stay up to date on new and current petitions. Educate and inspire yourself by following MoveOn’s blog and social media and sign up for its newsletter.