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Democracy Initiative
Move to Amend

Piper Fund

Mission: To build a more strategic and effective money-in-politics and fair courts movements by supporting advocacy campaigns at state and municipal levels, building communications capacity for the field, and engaging new constituencies.

Piper Fund is an initiative of the Proteus Fund, a foundation committed to progressive and social justice causes. As a funder collaborative, Piper has an impressive portfolio of grantees working to reduce the influence of corporate and special interest money on our political and state judicial systems.


Current Democracy Work

Piper’s grant-making focuses on supporting and developing national, state, and municipal networks to advance and defend campaign finance reform; building and improving infrastructure to support state coalitions to curb the influence of special interest, ideological, and corporate money on state courts; enhancing communications capacity for advocates working in the money-in-politics and fair courts fields; and increasing the engagement of the New American Majority and other underrepresented communities in the money-in-politics and fair courts movements.


Recent Successes

With nearly $30 million in grants since 1997, in 2015 alone, Piper awarded over $3.6 million in grant funding. This included a grant of nearly $1 million to ReThink Media to build an innovative, movement-wide communications and messaging initiative with the goal of strengthening the money-out-of-politics movement through coordinated efforts across state and national organizations. Piper grantees were instrumental in helping pass critical small-donor public financing ballot initiatives in Maine and Seattle in November 2015.


Your Entry Points

Learn about Piper, its grantees’ work, and the funder collaborative grantmaking process through its website, educational events, and briefings. Connect and collaborate with Piper’s network of experts and advocates in the field of money in politics.

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