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Democracy Initiative
Move to Amend

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Mission: To “help bold progressive candidates [get] elected and work with them to govern progressively” with a focus on economic populism and restoring our democracy.

Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) is a national grassroots organization and PAC committed to building progressive power. PCCC has close to one million members in all fifty states.


Current Democracy Work

The Committee works to elect progressive candidates who support bold campaign finance reform. Its “Take Back Democracy” campaign to reform electoral finance focuses on passing a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, as well as passing three types of laws: one that requires corporations to get shareholder approval before contributing to political campaigns; a second, the Disclose Act, that forces anonymous, big-dollar donors out of the shadows; and a third that creates public financing of elections. Currently PCCC is battling for this third law in New York State.


Recent Successes

A powerhouse when it comes to electing champions of reform, in its seven years PCCC has helped elect more than thirty candidates by mobilizing thousands of volunteers and engaging more than 100,000 small donors.


Your Entry Points

Learn about PCCC’s campaigns for fair elections, progressive government, fighting corporate money, and addressing economic inequality. Participate by signing and sharing campaign petitions or applying for a fellowship with PCCC. Use PCCC’s website to connect and volunteer with a pro-reform campaign near you, and become one of almost one million members.

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