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Democracy Initiative
Move to Amend


Mission: To bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass anti-corruption laws in cities and states around the country and build momentum for national reform.

Represent.Us is the nation’s largest grassroots anti-corruption campaign.


Current Democracy Work

Locally organized chapters build nonpartisan, grassroots support to pass its model legislation—the American Anti-Corruption Act—at city and state levels. The Act is comprehensive, setting standards for city, state, and federal laws that prevent money from corrupting American government by stopping political bribery, ending secret money, and giving every voter a voice. In the 2016 election Represent.Us is focusing on passing legislation modeled on its Act in other cities and states. Represent.Us also focuses a portion of their work on publishing articles, videos, and infographics that tell the story of corruption in American politics today.


Recent Successes

In 2014, the first city-level American Anti-Corruption Act passed in Tallahassee, Florida by a large margin. (In 2015, efforts pushed by other organizations passed more limited but similar landmark anti-corruption ballot measures in Seattle and San Francisco.) Represent.Us members have also passed resolutions in a number of other cities around the country.


Your Entry Points

Apply for an internship or volunteer and organize with your local Represent.Us chapter to build grassroots power to end corruption. If there isn’t one near you, start a chapter in your community! Check out and subscribe to The Bulletin to learn more about the corruption in American politics through its articles, videos, and infographics.

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