Take Back Our Republic
Mission: To “educate people about the power they have to shape the [political] process from the outside in.”
Founded by former political campaign manager and Tea Party activist John Pudner, Take Back Our Republic promotes a conservative approach to campaign-finance overhaul, emphasizing the use of tax credits to encourage small donors to political campaigns. It has groups in more than two dozen states.
Year Founded: 2014 • (334) 329-7258 • takeback.org
Current Democracy Work
Take Back Our Republic engages in research, education, and advocacy that aim to empower citizens and limit the power of corporations and special interests in our political system. The organization publishes policy papers such as their recent white paper on closing credit card loopholes allowing foreign political contributions. The group also sponsors coalitions at the state level to fuel individual participation in the political process.
Recent Successes
In 2015, the group supported the introduction in the House of a bill that Pudner helped to craft, the “Stop Foreign Donations Affecting Our Elections Act.” Currently in committee, if passed it would close certain loopholes in reporting online contributions to prevent foreign nationals from influencing American elections.
Your Entry Points
Delve into the policy papers published online. Join a coalition group in your state or volunteer directly with Take Back Our Republic.