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Democracy Initiative
Move to Amend


Mission: "To ensure all voices are heard and every vote counts in every election. FairVote seeks to do this by advancing the Reform 2020 Agenda, which includes a national popular vote for president, fair representation voting in Congress and legislatures, ranked choice voting for governors and mayors, and a constitutional right to vote, as well as democracy innovations such as universal voter registration."

FairVote seeks to make democracy fair, functional, and more representative by researching and proposing common sense changes to our democracy. Operating since 1992 and with a staff of more than 20 people in 2016, FairVote works with scholars, civic leaders, policymakers, journalists and national, state, and local reform partners to advance fairer elections.

Year Founded: 1992 • •


Current Democracy Work

FairVote publishes Monopoly Politics, a report series that provides comprehensive analyses of U.S. House elections and the structural origins of the polarization, partisan bias, and outstanding lack of competition that infect Congressional politics today. FairVote also provides research and analysis on other democracy issues and political events while serving as a generator and incubator of innovations to improve the democratic process.


Recent Successes

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) has been used by over two million people to elect their local officials, and more than 55 colleges and universities use RCV for student elections. Most recently, Maine and Benton County, OR voted to become the first state and county to use RCV for all elections. FairVote also publishes Monopoly Politics and Dubious Democracy reports every two years, and launched its Representation 2020 project distributing over 2,000 State of Women’s Representation 2014 reports.


Your Entry Points

Sign up to stay in the loop on FairVote’s work. Read Monopoly Politics and the FairVote blog to learn more about the issues with our democracy and the impact of reform. Want to get more involved? Check out the RCV Toolkit to learn how you can bring RCV to your community. Apply for FairVote’s Democracy Fellowship Program to get hands-on experience improving democracy or intern in D.C to work on election reform.

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