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Pounds of food included in 2830 Kcal/Capita/Day


Food Balance Sheets.

Country: World + (Total). Year: 2009---------------------------------------------------------------------


This is the food balance sheet that tells us that there are 2830 kcal available per person per day.

We are looking for how many pounds of food are equal to 2830 kcal.

This food balance sheet measures this in kilograms per capita per year.This food balance sheet does NOT give the TOTAL figure for how many kg of food are available per person per day. It does however give us figures of kg of food available per person per YEAR for INDIVIDUAL foods (and grouping of foods, for example pulses or cereals).

These figures are FOOD for human consumption. They are the result of subtracting waste, feed, seed, and other uses from the total production of each food item.The 2830 kcal/capita/day INCLUDES the following major food groupings (I have excluded groupings such as stimulants, vegetable oils, spices, alcoholic beverages):

Cereals - excluding Beer + (Total): 146.70 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.4019 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.884 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Starchy Roots + (Total): 61.10 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.1673 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.368 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Pulses + (Total): 6.60 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.01808 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.0396 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Treenuts+ (Total): 2.10 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.0057 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.0125 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Oilcrops + (Total): 7.20 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.0197 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.0434 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Vegetables + (Total): 131.82 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.3611(kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.796 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Fruits - Excluding Wine + (Total): 72.90 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.1997 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.4402 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Meat + (Total): 41.90 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.1147 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.2528 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Eggs + (TOTAL): 8.90 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.0243 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.0535 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Milk - Excluding Butter + (Total): 87.30 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.2391 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.5271 (lbs/capita/DAY)

Fish, Seafood + (Total): 18.50 (kg/capita/YEAR). Equal to 0.0506 (kg/capita/DAY). In POUNDS equals 0.1115 (lbs/capita/DAY)


Explanation of Calculation: I have taken the figures detailing the kg/capita/day for major food groupings and divided that by 365 days to find kg/capita/DAY. Then I converted that to pounds to find lbs/capita/DAY.


In sum, every day, for every human being the following quantities of foods are available:

Cereals: 0.884 lbs

Starchy Roots: 0.368 lbs

Pulses: 0.039 lbs

Treenuts: 0.012 lbs

Oilcrops: 0.043 lbs

Vegetables: 0.796 lbs

Fruits: 0.440 lbs

Meat: 0.258 lbs (FM Lappe ESTIMATES less than 10% of CALORIES.CHECK average calories in mea5. Range seen: 798 - to 1152 calories/lb)

Eggs: 0.053 lbs

Milk: 0.527 lbs (ALL LIVESTOCK FOOD = .258 PLUS .053 PLUS .527 = ABOUT .838 LBS

Fish and Seafood: 0.111 lbs[AH]

Cereals: 0.884 lbs

Starchy Roots: 0.368 lbs

Pulses: 0.039 lbsTreenuts: 0.012 lbs

Oilcrops: 0.043 lbs

Vegetables: 0.796 lbs

Fruits: 0.440 lbs

Meat: 0.258 lbs

Eggs: 0.053 lbs

Milk: 0.527 lbsTOTAL: 3.42 lbs

Multiplying pulses and cereals by 2.5 to account for rehydrated weight:(0.884+0.039)x2.5=2.33.42-(0.884+0.039)=2.4972.497+2.3=4.797

TOTAL weight accounting for rehydration: 4.797 lbs

FAOSTAT. Food Balance Sheets. Country: World + (Total). Year: 2009.

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