FAO reports uses of world cereal (grain) production

JUNE 2013 Total utilization 2012-13 All cereal: 2,333.2 million tonnes (2.3 million tons) FOOD: 1,082.7 million tones (1.08 million tons) FEED: 795.5 million tonnes (.80 million tons) OTHER: 455.0 million tonnes (.46 million tons)
FOOD VS NONFOOD NONFOOD = 1,250.5 (1.3 million tons) FOOD = 1,082.7 (1.08 million tons) DIFFERENCE = 167.8 (15 %) FORECAST INCREASES 2013/14 FOOD = 1.4 % NONFOOD = 4.1 % AVERAGE INCREASE OF FEED AND OTHER USES FEED ALONE = 4.7 % OTHER USES = 3.5 % [FML: So FEED projected growth rate is more than three times (3.35) the projected growth of FOOD utilization ]
"Food Outlook and Market Analysis," (Rome: FAO, June 2013) p.1; http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/al999e/al999e.pdf [verified 4/15/14]