Biodiversity concept applied to soil because soil filled with living organisms

"This is proof that a biologically-rich soil is indeed filled with the living organisms. However, these soil microbes are invisible, and in conventional science there is still no concept of soil as a biological species. I understand that what was needed was to build a completely new "biodiversity concept" that would be applicable to soil. This concept does not use any taxonomical criteria such as species, because most of the soil microbes have almost no information about them." (page 19)
Kazunari Yokoyama, “We cannot end hunger without feeding the soil,” Resurgence & Ecologist, 284, (May/June 2014): 18-19.
Kazunari Yokoyama, “We cannot end hunger without feeding the soil,” Resurgence & Ecologist, 284, (May/June 2014): 18-19.