6 companies control 90% of the media & 80% believe news is influenced by the powerful

(1)As of 2011, 6 companies controlled 90 percent of the media. In 1983, 50 companies controlled 90 percent of the media. (2) In 2011, 80 percent of Americans believed news is often influenced by powerful people and organizations. In 1985, only 53 percent felt that way.
Source: (1)Ashley Lutz, "These 6 Corporations Control 90 Percent of the Media in America." June 14, 2012. http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-me... (2) Pew Research Center."Views of the News Media: 1985-2011. Press Widely Criticized, But Trusted More than Other Information Sources." 7. http://www.people-press.org/files/legacy-pdf/9-22-2011%20Media%20Attitud... [both stats originally found in Yes! Magazine Fall 2012 page 16] [verified 4/17/14]