80% of Americans want more environmental news in mainstream media

"A recent poll from the Opinion Research Corporation reveals that nearly 80 percent of Americans want to see more environmental news in mainstream media. The poll-- commissioned by the Project for Improved Environmental Coverage-- indicates that, regardless of race, income, or region, Americans believe the media should improve coverage of the environment." [see (3) for original poll source]
"Climate Change: Tipping Point for News Coverage?" Yes Magazine. Fall 2012. 6. http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/its-your-body/tipping-point-for-climat... (2) Jill Fitzsimmons, and Jocelyn Fong, "Climate Coverage Plummets On Broadcast Networks," April 16, 2009. http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/04/16/study-climate-coverage-plumm... (3) "Nearly 80% of Americans Believe News Coverage of the Environment Should Be Improved," Project for Improved Environmental Coverage, April 19, 2012. http://environmentalcoverage.org/docs/Americans%20want%20better%20enviro... [verified 4/17/14]