An estimated 1.4 billion of the world's poorest people now depend for their survival on farm sav

An estimated 1.4 billion of the world's poorest people now depend for their survival on farm saved seed... Since 1970 multinational companies have bought or taken control of nearly a thousand, once independent, seed companies. The purchase of Pioneer Hi-Bred in 1999, the world's largest seed company, for $7.7 billion by DuPont, is part of a trend of concentration of power in the life sciences industry. The $23 billion global seed trade is now dominated by a handful of giant corporations... A survey by anti-trust officials at the EEC revealed returns on sales of seeds of 40-45%. Commercial breeders inevitably target their products at affluent farmers with the most favourable growing conditions. The development of new crop varieties is determined by the agenda of corporate profit and not the needs of growers, consumers or the environment.