Another study, led by Shanna Swan of the University of Missouri, demonstrated impacts of common pest

Another study, led by Shanna Swan of the University of Missouri, demonstrated impacts of common pesticides with estrogen-like effects on sperm quality in human males. Swan's team tested over 400 Midwestern men "only two of whom were at occupational risk for pesticide exposure " for pesticide metabolites in their urine and for sperm quality using three measures. The study revealed strong correlations between exposure to three common pesticides and poor sperm quality. The men most heavily exposed to atrazine, diazinon, and alachlor were 11, 17, and 30 times, respectively, more likely to have low sperm quality.
Source: Powers, Shawn, "Chemicals in water supplies produce feminizing effects, lower sperm quality," World Watch, Vol. 16, No. 6, November/December 2003, 11.