Despite the availability of local food, there is a great need to improve food security

Despite the availability of local food, there is a great need to improve food security in Lane County. With 5.8% of the population experiencing food insecurity with hunger, Oregon leads the nation in hunger. An additional 13.7% of Oregonians are food insecure, so approximately one in five Oregon residents is hungry or at some point in the year doesn't know where their next meal is coming from. Lane county reflects the state in this respect; FFLC serves one in five residents at some point in the year through emergency food boxes, hot meals, summer lunches to children, gleaning, and other projects. Oregon also leads the nation in unemployment; the lack of income for many families contributes to food insecurity.
Source: Sullivan, Ashley and Eunyoung Choi, 2002, "Hunger and Food Insecurity in the Fifty States: 1998-2000." Brandeis University Center on Hunger and Poverty,