FAOSTAT food production indices 1967 to 2009: Big difference btw calorie & production % increase

The FAOSTAT Food Supply (kcal/capita/day) for inputs [World + (Total), 1967] = 2329 kcal ............................................................................... [World + (Total), 2009] = 2831 kcal ............................................................................... this equals a 22% increase from 1967-2009 . . The FAOSTAT for Food Production Index Number [(2004-2006)=100] shows a different percent increase in Net per Cap PIN increase Inputs [World + (Total), 1967, Food (PIN) + (Total), Net per capita Production Index Number] = 77 Inputs [World + (Total), 2009, Food (PIN) + (Total), Net per capita Production Index Number] = 106 ............................................................................... this equals a 38% increase from 1967-2009 . . compiled by Ria Knapp, to ask about this discrepancy, Ria emailed FAO's Kostas Stamoulis (referred by the office of Olivier de Schutter) on 12/5/2012 Kostas.stamoulis@fao.org ; phone: +39 0657056295
SOURCE for Food Supply (kcal/cap/day): http://faostat.fao.org/site/368/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=368#ancor SOURCE for Food PIN (net per cap PIN): http://faostat.fao.org/site/612/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=612#ancor Sources retrieved from FAOSTAT [verified 4/17/14]