Farmers in Andhra Pradesh could reduce their production costs by converting to sustainable ag method

In 2002-03, small holding (1-2 hectare) farmers spent 65 percent of their annual income on cultivation.* But without the cost of seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers -- farmers in Andhra Pradesh could nearly cut their agricultural costs in half (46%).** . . *annual income from ag & related sources = US$440 expendituture on cultivation = US$286 (65%) post-cost income = US$154 . . **Distribution of Ag Cost Components: seed: 11% pesticide: 14% fertilizer: 21% other: 9% labour: 24% land rent: 12% interest: 3% irrigation: 6%
.Source: Vijay, K.T. et al., 2009, "Ecologically Sound, Economically Viable-Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh India," Washington, DC, USA: The World Bank, [verified 4/17/14]