For 2009, the UN FAO estimates 2,831 calories per capita per day

Past calories/day available for every human being on Earth from 2007-2009 (most recent year data is available for). . . . 2007 The figure was: 2,796 cal / person /day . 2008 The cal/person/day was est. at 2,829 calories . 2009 figure is: 2,831 cal/ person / day . . This means that in the bad hunger year of 2008 it went up and then held almost steady. (It was 2009 when Fao pushed hunger number to 1.02 billion.)
.Source: For cal/person/day: FAOSTAT. (2009) Food Balance Sheets. Availabel from: [Entry: World + 2009] For 1.02B hungry in 2009: FAO. (2010) Global hunger declining, but still unacceptably high, (Rome: FAO Economic and Social Development Department), Policy Briefs, Sept 2010. Available from: [verified 4/18/14]