Foreign aid from the United States as a percentage of GNP is the lowest of any industrialized nation

Foreign aid from the United States as a percentage of GNP is the lowest of any industrialized nation in the world (0.14%), although in the last three years the U.S. has been the highest donor in actual dollars ($15.79 billion last year). Norway is the highest level donor of official development assistance as a percentage of GNP (0.92%), followed by Denmark (0.84%) and the Netherlands (0.81%). The UK's share is 0.34% of GNP, France's is 0.41%, Germany's is 0.28%, and Japan's is 0.20%.
Source: Based on Official Development Assistance (ODA) figures for 2003 from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development website: Development Assistance Committee. ODA Statistics for 2003 and ODA Outlook. April 14, 2004. Accessed November 10, 2004, at