Germany set goal of 45% renewable electricity by 2030.

Germany set goal of 45% renewable electricity by 2030. # The share of electricity from renewable energy sources nationwide has increased from 6.3 percent in 2000 to 12 percent in 2006. # The Act resulted in the avoidance of 45 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2006, up from 37 million tons avoided in 2005. # All renewable energy used in Germany—for electricity, heat, and transport fuel—avoided the release of more than 100 million tons of CO2 in 2006. # More than 9 billion euros (US$12.7 billion*) was invested in new renewable energy installations in Germany in 2006. # Approximately 240,000 people in Germany were employed in the renewable energy sector in 2006, representing a 40-percent increase over 2004. More than half of these jobs were created by the Renewable Energy Sources Act
Germany Leads the Way on Renewables, Oct. 31, 2007