ICIPE facts about outreach and training #s

By working closely with farmers and in partnership with close to 200 collaborators in national systems and research institutes and universities around the world, icipe can draw on the global fund of knowledge and experience. Over 6,000 farmers have been trained to rear silkworms, such as the one adorning this woman's arm, from which raw silk is obtained. The African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Science (ARPPIS), established in 1983, currently partners with 32 African universities to offer high level training at PhD and MSc levels. The programme has trained 177 PhD students from 29 African countries at ICIPE's research facilities in Nairobi, while 108 MSc students have been trained in three regional centres now located at Addis Ababa University, University of Zimbabwe and University of Ghana, Legon. The DRIP (Dissertation Research Internship Programme) was started in 1995 to offer postgraduate training to self-sponsored students from around the world, but has recently been strengthened by scholarship awards to needy students. The DRIP programme boasts of 149 PhD and 86 MSc scholars enrolled to date.
Source: http://www.icipe.org/