Maize / Wheat / Paddy Rice Production up 54% per cap from 1961 to 2010, up 241% altogether

Frankie summary of these findings: The three grains most responsible for human energy worldwide have grown by more than half per person in the last 50 years. FROM VITAL SIGNS 2012, page 62: Second paragraph: "Since the 1960s maize production has quadrupled, while paddy rice and wheat output have tripled." - From FAOSTAT data "From 1961 to 2010 the world's annual harvest of these three crops increased from 643 million to 2.2 billion tons"- From FAOSTAT data "Between 1961 and 2009 the total production of maize, rice, and wheat increased by 241 percent, but on a per capita basis it was up 54 percent." - Production data from FAOSTAT, population data from UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs: Lauren double-checked these numbers on 6/21/12.
Source: Vital Signs 2012 by WorldWatch Institute, page 62. (No link available) [verified 4/25/14]