Net cereal production PIN per capita data shows increase during price crisis

CEREAL NET PER CAP PRODUCTION (using FAO INDEX NUMBER in which 100=2002-04) from FML after reviewing print-out of cereal production per cap PIN from FAOSTAT Historic high PIN occurred in 2008 107.71; and that high was almost again in 2011 at 107.37. the longest stretch of consecutive PINs that are above 100 is from 2007-2011, five years that include the "food price crisis" and general elevation of food prices. Plus, from 2007 to 2008 (From a PIN of 101.89 to a PIN of 107.7) is the 3rd biggest single-year jump in all the years covered by FAO data, from1961 to 2011] NET CEREAL PRODUCTION per capita PIN FAOSTAT [went up till 1990; went down between 1990 and 2000; up between 2000 and 2011. 2011 = 107 2000 = 98 1990 = 104 1980 = 96 1970 = 89 1961 = 75 TOTAL CEREAL PROD: 1980 = 66 2011 = 115
.Source: Data retrieved from FAOSTAT. Production, total cereal, net production PIN [verified 4/15/14]. [verified 4/25/14]