recently Stanford Researchers "concluded that previous studies have considerably underestimated

[recently Stanford Researchers "concluded that previous studies have considerably underestimated wind's potential....[they]estimated global wind energy potential at 72,000 GW. This means that with current technology, wind could supply more than 10 times as much electricity as the world now uses." p. 2 p.3: Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Platts Research and Consulting estimate that just seven states in the U.S. southwest could provide more than 7,000 GW of solar generating capacity--nearly seven times the nation's existing electric capacity from all sources." p. 3...The Electric Power Research Institute estimates that U.S. near-shore wave resources could generate 2.3 trillion kWh of electricity per year, equivalent to 60 percent of current U.S. electricity consumption.. ..Global investment in renewable energy has doubled since 2001.. [now 38 billion compared to 150 billion for conventional power]
Source: Renewables: What We Meant to Say, [Editors' response to reader letter] WorldWatch, January/February 2007, 2-3. See also: Renewables Global Status Report 2006; American Energy: The Renewable Path to Energy Security