Renewable heat in the UK-- 3,700 tons of fossil-fuel-derived CO2 emissions prevented

The UK's Renewable Heat Incentive "... the government is rolling out a two-phase plan to encourage first the commercial sector and then the domestic sector to install renewable heating, and the financial incentives for doing so are not inconsiderable, via long-term tariff support." "The wood pellets work out at about half the price of oil and are the waste product of a local saw-mill; the wood-pellet boiler burns at 98% efficiency and the small amounts of ash produced can be put straight onto the compost heap." "[Midlands Wood Fuel Ltd] currently supply schools, council offices, leisure centres, and local homes with wood chips made from seasoned wood sourced within a 30-mile radius of their depot in Shrewsbury. The wood comes from private woodlands-- often forest thinnings that would otherwise be a waste product-- and from low-grade wood from Forestry Commission-managed timber extraction." "... it is estimates that 3,700 tonnes of fossil-fuel-derived CO2 emissions have been prevented."
"Wood Fuels Ashden Award: Climate Friendly Energy for UK Homes." Resurgence. Nov./Dec. 2011. 6. (No link available) [verified 4/17/14]