Study says using its model 2 projections of world shift to organic

Study says using its model 2 projections of world shift to organic, which authors call "more realistic" because "average yield ratios specific to each region of the world," .... According to Model 2, the estimated organic food supply exceeds the current food supply in all food categories, with most estimates over 50% greater than the amount of food currently produced (Figure 1). p91
Source:Organic agricultuure and the global food supply," Catherine Badgley, Jeremy Moghtaker, Eileen Quintero, Eily Zakem, M. Jahi Chappell, Katia Aviles-Vazques, Andrea Samulon and Ivette Perfecto, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 22(2); 86-108, accepted 9 June 2006, 2007 Cambridge University Press.