The Body Shop Foundation establish the Amazon Co-op in Brazil

I think of the five or six people who helped The Body Shop Foundation establish the Amazon Co-op in Brazil, where eleven tribes who had been on the verge of being driven out of their native territory by disease, illegal logging, and the incompetence and corruption of the local government now have decent health care, clean water, and three of their own businesses, including a "green pharmacy," an eco-lodge, and an Internet caf????.Sometimes, the most revolutionary act is simply pointing out injustice. I think of twelve-year-old Craig Kielberger in Canada who read an article in his local newspaper about child labor used in rug manufacturing in Pakistan and started Kids Can Free the Children. As a result, the Canadian government changed its policy on child labor.
Source: Anita Roddick, "The Revolutionary Eccentric," Hope magazine, July/August 2003, No.38, p. 13