The deliberate denial of food to the hungry is at the core of the World Bank Structural Adjustment p

"The deliberate denial of food to the hungry is at the core of the World Bank Structural Adjustment programmes. Dismantling the Public Distribution System (PDS) was a World Bank condition. It was justified on ground of reducing expenditure. But the food subsidy budget has exploded from Rs 2,800 crore in 1991 to Rs14,000 crore in 2001. More money is being spent to store grain because the Bank required that food subsidies be withdrawn. This led to increase in food prices, lowering of purchase from the PDS and hence buildup of stocks. The food security of India is collapsing. While observing two minutes silence in the midst of tribal families who are victims of starvation even while 60 million tons of grain are rotting in stores, I could not help but think of economic policies which push people into poverty and starvation as a form of terrorism.
Source: Shiva, Vandana, "Corporate Terrorism: Solidarity against all forms of violence," Resurgence, No. 210, January/February 2002.