The valley of Lares-Yanatile in Cusco, Peru is rich in biodiversity. It contains three different

The valley of Lares-Yanatile in Cusco, Peru is rich in biodiversity. It contains three different agro-ecological zones, at altitudes between 1,000 and 4,850 metres. Andean tubers and potatoes are grown in the highest zone, which is called the puna. Maize, legumes and vegetables occupy the middle area, known as the quechua. Fruit trees, coffee, coca and yucca grow in the lowest zone, the yunga. Every week a barter market is held in the quechua, where nearly 50 tons of goods are traded each market day - ten times the volume of food distributed in the National Program of Food Assistance. Anyone can participate, and can trade any amount of any crop. Women are also key players in this non-monetary market.
Source: "Barter markets in the Peruvian Andes," Seedling Magazine, January 2007. p. 17