"The very same companies that invoke sustainability have business models that destroy people an

"The very same companies that invoke sustainability have business models that destroy people and life. We will, I predict, in our lifetime, convict corporations of crimes against humanity." "This is a political issue. It is not an ecological problem. The way to save this earth is to focus on its people, and particularly those people who pay the highest price: women, children, communities of color, the localized poor. The sustainability movement—without forsaking its understanding of living systems, resources, conservation, and biology—must move from a resource flow model of saving the earth to a model based on human rights, the rights to food, the rights to livelihood, the rights to culture, community, and self-sufficiency. The environmental movement must become a civil rights movement, a human rights movement. Without that, it will simply be a failed white man’s movement from the North."
Source: Hawken, Paul, "Dreams of a Livable Future," Utne Reader, May-June 2003, 53. Available at http://www.utne.com/community/dreams-of-a-livable-future.aspx#axzz2zGMFvmp5. Verified 04/18/14