Total grain production in 2010 could provide 3,400 calories per capita per day in 2010 (Lauren's

Total grain produced in 2010: 2,432,236,739 metric tonnes ( – production>crops>cereals>2010>total production) (1 metric ton = 1,000,000 grams) Brown raw rice: 3620000 kcal/MT Hard white wheat: 3420000 kcal/MT Corn: 3650000 kcal/MT Conservative estimate of calories (taking into consideration raw brown rice, hard white wheat and corn): 3,500,000 kcal/MT (USDA National Agricultural Library Nutrient Data Laboratory: Total grain calories produced in 2010 (total grain produced x conservative estimates of calories): 8512828586500000 kcal World population in 2010 (World Bank: 6,855,230,000 Total grain calories per cap for 2010 (Total grain calories produced in 2010 divided by 2010 population): 1241800.579484 kcal Total grain calories per cap per day for 2010 (total grain calories per cap for 2010 divided by 365 days): 3402.1933 kcal
Source: 1). Date calculated from FAOSTAT: For grain production: (under production>crops>cereals total>2010>total production) 2). For calorie counts: USDA National Agricultural Library Nutrient Data Laboratory, 3). For 2010 world population: World Bank, [verified 4/25/14]