USDA Major uses of land in US including organic production

Total Land Use “The United States has a total land area of nearly 2.3 billion acres. In 2007, the major land uses were forestland at 671 million acres (30 percent); grassland pasture and rangeland at 614 million (27 percent); cropland at 408 million (18 percent); special uses (primarily parks and wildlife areas) at 313 million acres (14 percent); miscellaneous uses (like tundra or swamps) at 197 million acres (9 percent); and urban land at 61 million acres (3 percent)." SOURCE for the above quote:Cynthia Nickerson, Robert Ebel, Allison Borchers, and Fernando Carriazo. Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2007. USDA ERS. Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-89) 67 pp, December 2011 Organic Production as of 2008 “U.S. producers dedicated approximately 4.8 million acres of farmland-2.7 million acres of cropland and 2.1 million acres of rangeland and pasture-to organic production systems in 2008. “ SOURCE for the above quote: USDA Economic and Research Service. Organic Production Overview [online] accessed 2/13/2013
Source: Cynthia Nickerson, Robert Ebel, Allison Borchers, and Fernando Carriazo. Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2007. USDA ERS. Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-89) 67 pp, December 2011 [verified 4/17/14]