"What I learned that day was that the other side of fearlessness does not come from any concept

"What I learned that day was that the other side of fearlessness does not come from any concept, no matter how noble. Yes, we believed that we are all connected, that the world is one, that peace and compassion are better than war and hatred. But what made me fearless that day was that for a few hours I was living in a state of peace. And thus a protest I had joined to express my opinions brought to me a deeper understanding than I ever expected to have, the knowledge that fearlessness of this kind is not exclusive, belongs to neither heroes nor saints alone but to all of us. It is a mood, a cast of mind, that can be created in any assembly. It is a mood of which all the world is capable. Fearlessness is the ground of peace. A mood, a species of beauty, and perhaps also a birthright."
Source: Griffin, Susan. "Fearlessness." YES!, Summer 2003. http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/finding-courage/604