World food production per person and Calories Per Person FAO

From Controversies in Science chapter, 2012, Frankie added this: The world already produces plenty—roughly a third more food for each of us than in the 1960s. Even after feeding to livestock a third of global grain production, 90 percent of all soy meal, and a third of the fish catch, there is still a global average of roughly 2,800 calories available per person per day. That’s enough to make most of us chubby. Sources: FOR THE ONE-THIRD MORE: FAOSTAT Food Production, Net Per Capita. Index 100 = 2004-2006. In the 1960s, the Index Number was between 75-77; whereas in 2010 it was 105. (FAO’s estimate of calories available show a 22 percent increase from the mid-1960s to 2007, the latest year for which data is provided.) FOR THE CALORIES AT 2800: For 2007, the most recent year available, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates 2796 calories per capita per day. See FAOSTAT, Food Balance Sheets. --- Not sure who calculated this: The increase in the amount of food produced if you go from 1961 to 2009 is huge, about 41% (see below). If you look at net per capita food (PIN) + total for the world and take the percent change between 1961 and 2009 you get 41%. However, if you look at the gross per capita PIN you get 35%. FAO EXPLAINS NET FOOD: “Since the FAO indices are based on the concept of agriculture as a single enterprise, amounts of seed and feed are subtracted from the production data to avoid double counting , once in the production data and once with the crops or livestock produced from them.” “Indices which take into account deductions for feed and seed are referred to as ''net''. Indices calculated without any deductions for feed and seed are referred to as ''gross''.” ***It is important to note: These numbers are calculated from the FAO Indices of Agricultural Production, base period 1999-2001. Other sources have calculated slightly different percentages by using different end years and base periods. Net FOOD Per Capita (PIN): From 1961 to 2001 (40 years), NET food production per capita increased 28%. for 1961 to 2009 [[almost 50 years]], it is nearly 41%. from 1969 to 2009 (40 years), it is about 32%. Gross FOOD Per Capita (PIN): From 1961 to 2001 (40 years), food production per capita increased 25%. for 1961 to 2009, the number is nearly 35% From 1969 to 2009 (40 years), it is about 27%. SOURCE: FAOSTAT Data Tables,” (accessed December 7, 2010). Food available after substracting feed and seed; for calories, see: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, Expert Meeting, Agrimonde, How to Feed the World in 2050, Powerpoint, June 24,-26, 2009, ADDED BY FRANKIE IN 4.12: Using food Prod Index Number 2004-06=100 NET FOOD PRODUCTION PER CAPITA WORLD 1961: 72- 1965 74 1970 77 1980 80 1990 86 2000 94 2006 101 2008, 106 2009 106 2010 105 ADDED BY FRANKIE 5.12: NET per capita TOTAL WORLD FOOD PRODUCTION INDEX # = 04-06 100 07 103.13 2010 105.23 FOUND AT: Faostat INTERESTING THAT CALORIES PER CAPITA SHOW SMALLER GAIN...ABOUT 22% CALORIES 2796 calories per cap per day for 2007 (07 is the latest year that FAO lists as of May 2012., FAOSTAT, Food Balance Sheets. top tab: Food Supply Calories/day 2300 mid 60s 2800 in 07 = 22% increase BUT NET PER CAPITA FOOD PRODUCTION iNDEX 04-06=100 IN 1960S INDEX was between 75-77 2010 105 also here says calories/day 2798 in 2007 --- INDEX (not totally sure if the following is per cap or not) NOT SURE WHAT THIS IS NOW: 05=100.2 06. 102.35 07 105.57 08 109.37 09 110.80 10 111.51