World hunger in 1970. rate of increase 1.5 million.year. nyt

According to calculations made by the [U.N.World Food] council and its parent body, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, based in Rome, the number of hungry people in the world grew by 15 million from 1970 to 1980, to some 475 million, a rate of increase of about 1.5 million a year. The world's population is about five billion. [[WOULD MEAN 460 IN 1970]] Slower Growth Fuels Poverty In the early 1980's, however, as economic growth slowed in the industrial nations, increasing the poverty of the developing nations, the pool of hungry people grew at a rate of nearly eight million a year, reaching 512 million in 1985, according to the World Food Council.
Source: World Hunger Found Still Growing, PAUL LEWIS, SPECIAL TO THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 28, 1987