73% of likely NH GOP primary voters support disclosure. 40% support fair elections

What’s more, 73% of likely New Hampshire GOP Primary voters would “strongly support” a law that would require corporations, unions and non-profits to disclose their sources of spending when they participate in elections. And seventy percent would be more likely to support candidates who would support such a law.When asked about other reforms, almost half (40%) of likely New Hampshire Republican Primary voters said they would support a proposal for public funding of all federal elections that would allow candidates who collect a large number of small contributions (up to a maximum of $100) from their home state to receive public matching funds on a five-to-one basis to run their campaigns. By a two-to-one margin (45% to 21%), likely New Hampshire Republican Primary voters said they would be more likely to support a candidate who supported a public funding system.Americans for Campaign Reform and Center for Economic DevelopmentNew Hampshire Voters Frustrated By Special InterestsPoll Shows Republican Primary Voters Want Reform, October 17, 2011.http://www.acrreform.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/ced_nh_poll_pr2.pdf