Depression rates worldwide are increasing

"'WHO figures clearly show that the burden because of depression is likely to increase - so much so that in 2030 this will be the single biggest cause for burden out of all health conditions,' Dr Shekhar Saxena of the Department of Mental Health at the WHO, told the BBC World Service."
"Depression looms as global crisis." BBC News. 2009.
"Unipolar depression makes a large contribution to the burden of disease, being at third place worldwide and eighth place in low-income countries, but at first place in middle- and high-income countries."(globally, only lower respiratory infections and diarrhoeal diseases are higher.. interesting data on page 44.)
[FML paraphrase: in middle and high income countries depression is the biggest contributor to the disease burden.]
"Burden of Disease: DALYs." World Health Organization. 2004, 43.
"Today, depression is estimated to affect 350 million people. The World Mental Health Survey conducted in 17 countries found that on average about 1 in 20 people reported having an episode of depression in the previous year."
Marina Marcus et al. "Depression A Global Public Health Concern". World Health Organization. 6.
"Depression looms as global crisis." BBC News. 2009."Burden of Disease: DALYs". World Health Organization. 2004, 43. Marcus et al.
"Depression A Global Public Health Concern". World Health Organization.
[verified 4/17/14]