Ecological farming is already significantly increasing yields and reducing costs in parts of the wor

It is precisely in those parts of the world where hunger is most severe—in South Asia and Africa and elsewhere in the Global South—that ecological farming is already significantly increasing yields and reducing costs so that farmers can enjoy the fruits of their labor.Jules Pretty and Rachel Hine, “Reducing Food Poverty with Sustainable Agriculture,” Center for Environment and Society, University of Essex, UK, February 2001. See Chapter 4: Empirical Findings of SAFE-World Project; Jules Pretty, “Agroecological Approaches to Agricultural Development: Version 1,”RIMISP Background Paper for the World Development Report 2007, November 2006, 2-3,"Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa," United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and United Nations Environment Programme, Vijay Kumar et al., Ecologically Sound, Economically Viable: Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, India. (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009).