India's Commitment to Solar Energy: renewables and clean energy

"In 2008, Prime minister Manmohan Singh committed India to meeting 10 percent of its national energy needs through renewables by 2020."
"Solar costs are falling rapidly and, for India, 'grid parity'-the point at which the costs of generating solar energy match those of conventional power generation- should arrive by 2017"
Installing solar panels on rural housing
"SELCO installs the 12-watt systems and provides maintenance services. Villagers finance the the systems via loans administered by SEWA bank, the financing arm of the Self Employed Woman's Association (SEWA), a large Gujarati worker's cooperative. The loan term varies from 15 to 18 months; the interest rate is 10 percent; and the most basic system costs about $6 per month...most of these systems power a single portable light, but they may also be used to operate a radio."
Jerri-Lynn Scofield, "Shout it from the Rooftops", Intelligent Optimist, Sept/Oct. 2012
[verified 4/17/14]