Integrity Indicators provide the underpinning for our core reporting and analysis of governance and

"Global Integrity's Integrity Indicators provide the underpinning for our core reporting and analysis of governance and corruption. The Indicators represent one of the world's most comprehensive data sets providing quantitative data and analysis of anti-corruption mechanisms and government accountability at the national level in countries around the globe. Utilizing our network of more than 1,200 on-the-ground analysts and our unique scoring system, Global Integrity generates actionable, and action-worthy, data and qualitative analysis drawn from more than 300 indicators to assess a country's anti-corruption safeguards and potential for corruption.The Integrity Scorecard for each country examines three concepts:1. The existence of public integrity mechanisms, including laws and institutions, which promote public accountability and limit corruption.2. The effectiveness of those mechanisms.3. The access that citizens have to those mechanisms.More specifically, indicators of existence assess the laws, regulations, and agencies/entities or equivalently functioning mechanisms that are in place in a particular country. Indicators of effectiveness assess such aspects of public integrity as protection from political interference; appointments that support the independence of an agency; professional full-time staff and funding; independently initiated investigations; and imposition of penalties. Indicators of citizen access assess the ready availability of public reports to citizens, or publicly available information, within a reasonable time period and at a reasonable cost.1 Non-Governmental Organizations, Public Information and Media.For 2011, the Integrity Indicators were organized into six main categories and 23 sub-categories. They were:1.1 Anti-Corruption Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)1.2 Media's Ability to Report on Corruption1.3 Public Requests for Government Information2 Elections2.1 Voting & Party Formation2.2 Election Integrity2.3 Political Financing Transparency3 Government Conflicts of Interest Safeguards & Checks and Balances3.1 Conflicts of Interest Safeguards & Checks and Balances: Executive Branch3.2 Conflicts of Interest Safeguards & Checks and Balances: Legislative Branch3.3 Conflicts of Interest Safeguards & Checks and Balances: Judicial Branch3.4 Budget Process Oversight & Transparency4 Public Administration and Professionalism4.1 Civil Service: Conflicts of Interest Safeguards and Political Independence4.2 Whistle-blowing Protections4.3 Government Procurement: Transparency, Fairness, and Conflicts of Interest Safeguards4.4 Privatization of Public Administrative Functions: Transparency, Fairness, and Conflicts of Interest Safeguards5 Government Oversight and Controls5.1 National Ombudsman5.2 Supreme Audit Institution5.3 Taxes and Customs: Fairness and Capacity5.4 Oversight of State-Owned Enterprises5.5 Business Licensing and Regulation6 Anti-Corruption Legal Framework, Judicial Impartiality, and Law Enforcement Professionalism6.1 Anti-Corruption Law6.2 Anti-Corruption Agency or Equivalent Mechanisms6.3 Judicial Independence, Fairness, and Citizen Access to Justice6.4 Law Enforcement: Conflicts of Interest Safeguards and Professionalism"Global Integrity Report, "The Global Integrity Report: 2011 Methodology White Paper," 2011. From