Overview of Citizen Juries by Michel Pimbert

Work with local partners in different regions has resulted in strong bottom up processes of farmer/citizen deliberations on the governance and directions of food and agricultural research. For example:i) in South Asia , - and India in particular -, the Alliance for the Democratization of Agricultural Research in South Asia (ADARSA) has facilitated farmer-scientist dialogues, studies of public and private sector partnerships in agricultural research, and a major citizens' jury involving the voiceless in Indian society (see www.raitateerpu.com ).ii) in West Africa, a similar multidimensional process has recently culminated in a farmer led assessment of public research as well as two citizens' juries on the governance and directions of agricultural research in Mali (see www.ecid-nyeleni.org )iii) In Peru and Bolivia, participatory action research with indigenous communities is strengthening horizontal exchange and recognition of indigenous innovation systems. 4 parallel dialogues between experienced farmers and scientists are undertaken in 2010. The process is now building up to stage a major citizen jury/panel in the region.Small scale producers involved in the citizens' juries have made specific policy recommendations on key issues: What food and agricultural research do we need? For whom? Why? How? Where? And with what desirable impacts on people and the environment? National and international policy dialogues are now under way in to ensure that the voices and recommendations of hitherto excluded farmers are made to count in decisions on the governance and strategic priorities of food and agricultural research.Whilst the entry point for these citizen deliberations is agricultural research, many of the issues and processes involved are directly relevant for the governance and control over the production of environmental, economic and social knowledge used in policy making.For more information and multimedia accounts of this multi-regional initiative see www.excludedvoices.orgBy Dr Michel PimbertDeputy Chair of CEESPhttp://www.iucn.org/fr/nouvelles_homepage/nouvelles_par_date/2010_news/s...