Positive market share statistics about cooperatives in various countries like Kenya, USA, India
In the United States, dairy cooperatives control about 80% of dairy production.In 2005, the Indian Dairy Cooperatives, with 12.3 million members, accounted for 22% of the milk produced in India. Approximately 60% of members are landless or have very small plots of land. Women make up 25% of the membership.In many countries, cooperatives are primarily agricultural.In Viet Nam, 44% of all active cooperatives work in the agriculture sector.In Kenya, 924,000 farmers earn income from membership in agricultural cooperatives, in Ethiopia about 900,000, and in Egypt about 4 million.In Kenya, cooperatives have the following market shares: 70% of coffee, 76% of dairy, 90% of pyrethrum and 95% of cotton.."Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feeding the World," (Rome: FAO), World Food Day, Oct. 16 2012, http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/getinvolved/images/WFD2012_leafle...